Chris Jones

(517) 315-6696 | | San Diego, CA


High School Diploma / Jackson High School, Jackson, Michigan

Associate of Science / Jackson College, Jackson, Michigan

Bachelor of Media Arts - 3d Modeling / Platt College, San Diego, California (Current)

Work Experience

Michigan Automotive Compressor, Inc.

About Me

I have been pursuing an education in 3d modeling with a focus on game design and development. I grew up playing video games pretty much my whole life and found a development passion for them near the end of my high school. I have lived in Michigan for pretty much my whole life with my family before moving to California and attending the Art Institute of California - San Diego in pursuit of a Bachelor degree in Game Art and Design. When the school closed down, I found a new school and am currently working on a Bachelor in Media Arts with a focus on 3d modeling.

Program Knowledge
